
Ignition a dream that came true, a brief history of the ICF program at LLNL

We are very happy to host at the 10th of February in the ATHENA Talks of the Athena European University, the Deputy Director of the Laboratory for the Use of Intense Lasers (LULI*) at École Polytechnique (IP Paris), Professor Sebastien Le Pape. Sebastien, will discuss with us the latest scientific milestone, the unlimited production of green energy using the principles of Laser Fusion. His work has received more than 12000 citations with an h-index of 55.
To register and follow this seminar talk please register here: 
See you in the ATHENA Talks.

Nonlinear waves in Space plasmas

This Friday, 3rd of February at 10.00 CET the ATHENA Talks of Athena European University hosts Professor Ioannis Kourakis from the Khalifa University in UAE.
The title of the talk will be ‘Nonlinear waves in Space plasmas:overview of recent advancements on the interface between nonlinear science and plasma physics’.
Dr Ioannis (or Yannis) Kourakis is based at the Department of Mathematics at Khalifa University of Science and Technology (Abu Dhabi) where, asides his academic duties, he is currently Theme Leader for Magnetospheric Modeling at the KU Space and Planetary Sciences Center (since 2021). He has held academic and research positions in the UK, in Germany, in Belgium, in Brazil and in the UAE. He has also served in various editorial and consulting roles in a number of international journals (including Scientific Reports by Springer Nature) and research funding bodies. His research focuses on nonlinear dynamics and soliton theory, with emphasis on nonlinear waves and shocks in Plasma Physics and in Space Science. Earlier work has spanned various areas, including optical instabilities, dissipative solitons, negative-refractive-index materials, Bose-Einstein condensates and hydrodynamics. He has published more than 250 articles in refereed journals and in conference proceedings. Based in the UAE since 2018, he has been awarded one ADEK/ASPIRE grant and two internally funded (KU) research awards as PI, on different projects, totaling 3.43M AED (approx. $1M).
To receive the zoom link, please register here:…/1FAIpQLScRxBCkkOt…/viewform…
See you in the ATHENA Talks.

Beyond the ritualised vs exploratory mathematics dichotomy

The Athena European University is honored to present Alf Coles from the University of Bristol (UK) on #ATHENATALKS!🎙️

If you are interested in teaching Science, and more particularly, how to teach mathematics, please join us on the 26th of January, 2023, at 10.00 CET. 
If you wish to receive the zoom link, please register here:

Taking advantage of the magnetic functionality of nanostructures with induced movement

The Athena European University is honored to present Professor Veronica Salgueiriño from the University of Vigo (Spain) on #ATHENATALKS!🎙️

If you are interested in ‘Taking advantage of the magnetic functionality of nanostructures with induced movement’, please join us on the 27th of January, 2023, at 10.00 CET.
Professor Veronica Salgueiriño’s research has received more than 5500 citations, and his h-index is 34.
If you wish to receive the zoom link, please register here:

The university mathematics lecture: To record, or not to record, that is the question

The Athena European University is delighted to host this Thursday (19th of January 2023, 10 CET), Assoc. Prof. Maria Meehan, University College Dublin, Ireland, in collaboration with Innovative Teaching Education in Mathematics – iTEM, MathDigger Erasmus, and Pythagoras Erasmus.
The title of her talk will be ‘The university mathematics lecture: To record, or not to record, that is the question..’
“While recordings of lectures proved invaluable for students’ learning during the pandemic, as our university transitioned back to in-person teaching there was a call from some lecturers to remove the requirement to provide lecture recordings due to the perceived negative impact on attendance. Colleagues in other universities describe similar debates. In this talk, I will present findings from studies conducted with colleagues on the role of recordings in the teaching of undergraduate mathematics, from both before and after the lockdown due to the pandemic. As an education researcher and mathematics lecturer, I will discuss the implications for lecturers’ practice.”
Please register below in order to receive the zoom link:

Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Nanophotonics, LEDs, and Lighting

The Athena European University Alliance is very honored to have Professor Hilmi Volkan Demir from the Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) & Bilkent University (Turkiye).
If you are interested in Semiconductor Nanocrystal Optoelectronics, please
join us on the 13th of January, 2023, at 10.00 CET. 
Professor Volkan Demir’s research interests include Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Nanophotonics, LEDs, and Lighting. His work has received more than 19500 citations, and his h-index is 71.
Register here to receive a Zoom link: 

Advanced electromagnetic wave control with chiral and parity-time symmetric metamaterials

The Athena European University is delighted to host this Friday (16th of December 2022) in its ATHENA Talks series, Prof. Maria Kafesaki, Dept. of Materials Science and Technology of the University of Crete, Greece, and Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), Greece.
The title of her talk will be ‘Advanced electromagnetic wave control with chiral and parity-time symmetric metamaterials.’
More about the ATHENA Talks can be found here:…/athenaunicolloq…/the-speakers
The talk will be delivered through the zoom platform and start at 10.00 CET (11.00 AM Athens Time).
The link to be connected will be found below:
Meeting ID: 832 2972 4726
Passcode: 966708

Design and implementation of advanced water treatment and desalination systems

We are happy to welcome within the framework of the ATHENA Talks of the Athena European University (and HMu Sci-Cafe Colloquial Talks) Professor Hossam El Nazer from the National Research Center of Egypt.
The talk will take place on Wednesday, 14th of December, at 10.00 CET through the zoom platform.
The title of his talk will be: Design and implementation of advanced water treatment and desalination systems and advanced studies on photocatalytic activity of hybrid nanomaterials for different environmental applications.
The link to be connected will be:
Meeting ID: 403 952 0498
Passcode: 477954
We hope you will join us.

The impact of 2D materials in a Perovskite Photovoltaic Park!

Next Friday, the 9th of December, the Athena European University and the Hellenic Mediterranean University are hosting Professor Manos Kymakis from the Hellenic Mediterranean University.

Please take advantage of the opportunity to follow his seminar talk addressing the impact of 2D materials in a Perovskite Photovoltaic Park!
To receive the zoom link, please follow this link: