
Developing Active Listening Skills

In this new ATHENA Talks session, Dr. Kostas Petridis from the Hellenic Mediterranean University, will discuss the art of active listening and how it can positively impact both personal and professional relationships. By developing this valuable skill, you can improve communication, build trust, and create stronger connections with those around you.

The talk will start at 17:00 CET, on Monday, 3rd of April.  

Please register here  in order to receive the zoom link:

Intercultural Communication

One of the keys to success is to be able to collaborate and understand other cultures. This is called cultural intelligence.
This is essential for the employability of someone since all of us will be called to collaborate and perform as members of a global team.
On Monday, 27th of March (at 17.00 CET), the ATHENA Career Talks host Ms. Milou Kauffman from FONTYS University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. Milou will discuss with our students about ‘Intercultural Communication’.
Please email to Prof. Costas Petridis in order to receive the zoom link.

Healthy Boundaries and assertive communication

We are very happy announce to this Wednesday(22nd of March 2023) in ATHENA Soft Skills Academy, Ms. Susan Gagliano. Susan will discuss with us, through a very interactive session, about Healthy Boundaries and assertive communication. The talk will start at 17:00 CET.
Please email to Prof. Costas Petridis in order to receive the zoom link.

Mathematics learning as the art of transitioning across discourses

We are delighted in Hellenic Mediterranean University to host tomorrow at ATHENA Talks (in collaboration with the Innovative Teaching Education in Mathematics – iTEM, Pythagoras Erasmus, and @ MathDigger Erasmus projects) Professor Igor Kontorovich (The University of Auckland, New Zealand).

The title of the talk (March 9th @10.00 CET) will be: Mathematics learning as the art of transitioning across discourses.

More about the talk & the speaker can be found here:

If you wish to receive the zoom link, please follow the link below:

We will be pleased to have you with us.