


Erasmus week visual, ATHENA

ATHENA has successfully finished the events of Erasmus Week!

Erasmus+ Days represent a celebratory occasion dedicated to honouring the European Union’s initiative designed to strengthen education, training, youth, and sports. This year,  9,635 events have been organised, and the ATHENA European Alliance stands as a contributor to this collective effort.  The ATHENA Alliance, initiated

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ATHENA Career Days 2023

November in ATHENA is all about your professional career. We provide you with a month full of opportunities to get ready for working life and boost your employability. A three-part series of online panel discussions gives you insights into the job markets of the ATHENA

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ATHENA at the EAIE 2023 conference

Attending a conference on international mobility is an incredible experience that can offer a wealth of knowledge, networking opportunities, and inspiration to those who attend. Recently, our ATHENA International Relations Office team had the pleasure of attending the EAIE European Association for International Education conference

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Forging partnerships and empowering innovation with ATHENA at ICP2DC7!

From September 18th to 22nd, 2023, the 7th International Conference on Physics ofTwo-Dimensional Crystals took place at the Maritim Hotel Plaza Tirana, Albania, organized by the Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics (MIFP). The conference explored a diverse array of topics, including 2D materials, electronics, metamaterials,

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ATHENA blends with African universities

We are proud to announce our collaboration with partners from around the world on the ABC – Africa BlendEd Core project.  The project is in collaboration with institutions such as the Polytechnic Institute of Porto,  Hellenic Mediterranean University, University of Siegen, University of Nigeria, Federal University of

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A COIL course led to a week in Crete

For one semester, two teachers from the University of Orléans (UO) and the Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) collaborated on a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) in Databases. For a few hours in the semester, both teachers alternated teaching both classes in a hybrid format: one

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Annual meeting of ATHENA rectors is taking place in Siegen, Germany

The annual meeting of the Advanced Technology Higher Education Network Alliance (ATHENA) rectors is taking place at the University of Siegen, on 20-22nd of September, 2023, where the Executive Board and Steering Committee members discusse the future of ATHENA, the sustainability of the alliance activities, and the results achieved so far. The meeting brought together the rectors from all the member universities

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1st ATHENA Technology Forum: join live

The first ATHENA Technology Forum will take place at Sitia, Crete at the 25th-29th of September. Sitia, a captivating jewel nestled on the northeastern coast of the enchanting Greek island of Crete, beckons travelers with its timeless allure and natural beauty! The main topics of the forum

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ATHENA Research Book, Volume 2 published

We are happy to announce that the ATHENA Research Book, Volume 2, is now published. The book is published in open access and available via: The Book promotes ATHENA’s research and innovation capabilities and the strong cooperation potential of all contributing ATHENA partners. The

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What’s next in ATHENA? Fall, 2023

The new school year opens a gate to new experiences, new relationships, new knowledge, and new skills. Dive into the exciting opportunities that ATHENA offers you this season. September For students: 7th International Conference on Physics of Two-Dimensional Crystals (ICP2DC) in Tirana, Albania, 18/09 –

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Video recording: Citizen science in Lithuania

Citizen science is a scientific research conducted with participation from the general public. Here citizens are solving social problems in local communities and develop recommendations for interested institutions and groups. Dr. Monika Mačiulienė is an associate professor and senior researcher at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.

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