
The impact of 2D materials in a Perovskite Photovoltaic Park!

Next Friday, the 9th of December, the Athena European University and the Hellenic Mediterranean University are hosting Professor Manos Kymakis from the Hellenic Mediterranean University.

Please take advantage of the opportunity to follow his seminar talk addressing the impact of 2D materials in a Perovskite Photovoltaic Park!
To receive the zoom link, please follow this link:

International Sign Everywhere: Towards Internationalization of Education and International Mobility of Deaf Students

We are very happy to welcome for this week ATHENA talk one of the Athena European University ‘family’ member, Mr. Omar Gamal from the University of Siegen.

The talk is entitled, ‘International Sign Everywhere: Towards Internationalization of Education and International Mobility of Deaf Students’.

It will take place on this Thursday at 10.00 CET through the zoom platform. To receive the zoom link please register here:…/1FAIpQLSdzDOMV7EDIMj…/viewform

We hope you will join us and honor Omar.

Dr. Gregory Macrides in ATHENA Sci-Café Colloquial Talks

The Athena European University, the Hellenic Mediterranean University the Innovative Teaching Education in Mathematics – iTEM, the MathDigger Erasmus, and the Pythagoras Erasmus are pleased to welcome this week’s colloquial talk in Mathematics, Dr. Gregory Macrides.

Dr. Macrides’s talk is entitled, A Paradigm Shift to Education 4.0: The STEAME School of the Future – Building the puzzle.

More about this colloquial talk can be found here.

The talk will take place on the 1st of December at 10.00 CET.

Join us on the zoom platform.

Meeting ID: 403 952 0498
Passcode: 477954

Professor Kevin Sivula in ATHENA Sci-Café Colloquial Talks

The Athena European University & Hellenic Mediterranean University Sci-Cafe talks continue this Friday (2nd of December) at 10.00 CET with a distinguished speaker from the EPFL in Switzerland, Professor Kevin Sivula.
The title of his talk will be ‘Semiconductor photoelectrodes and photocatalysts for solar-driven splitting.’
The zoom link to be connected will be the following:
Meeting ID: 832 2972 4726
Passcode: 966708
We hope you will join us!!

Professor Jovana Milić in ATHENA Sci-Café Colloquial Talks

The Hellenic Mediterranean University International Relations Office and the Athena European University Sci-Cafe Colloquial Talks welcomes on November 18, 2022, Professor (Assistant) Jovana Milić from the University of Freiburg in Switzerland.
Professor Jovana Milic’s colloquial talks’ title will be ‘Supramolecular Strategies in Hybrid Perovskite Photovoltaics’. The talk will take place through the zoom platform and will start at 10:00 CET.
Please register here to receive the zoom link.
Read more about our colloquial talks here.
Join us on November 18, at 10:00 a.m. (CET).

Professor Andrea C. Ferrari in ATHENA Sci-Café Colloquial Talks

The Sci-Café of the International Relations Office of Hellenic Mediterranean University and the Athena European University continues its invited colloquial talk on this Friday, 4th of November , at 10.00 CET.
It is an honor to have Professor Andrea C. Ferrari from Cambridge Graphene Centre, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0FA, UK.
Professor Ferrari’s colloquial talk title will be “Layered Materials: Characterization and Applications.” A short abstract follows:
‘Graphene and layered materials (LMs) have great potential in photonics and optoelectronics, where the combination of their optical and electronic properties can be fully exploited, and the absence of a bandgap in graphene can be beneficial. The linear dispersion of the Dirac electrons in graphene enables ultra-wide-band tunability as well as gate controllable third-harmonic enhancement over an ultra-broad bandwidth, paving the way for electrically tuneable broadband frequency converters for optical communications and signal processing. Saturable absorption is observed as a consequence of Pauli blocking and can be exploited for mode-locking of a variety of ultrafast and broadband lasers. Graphene integrated photonics is a platform for wafer scale manufacturing of modulators, detectors and switches for next generation datacom and telecom. Heterostructures based on LMs have properties different from those of their individual constituents and of their three dimensional counterparts. These can be exploited in novel light emitting devices, such as single photon emitters, and tuneable light emitting diodes. LMs have potential for quantum technologies, as scalable sources of single photon emitters (SPEs). Quantum emitters in LMs hold potential in terms of scalability, miniaturization, integration. Generation of quantum emission from the recombination of indirect excitons in heterostructures made of different LMs is a path with enormous potential.”
Professor Ferrari’s scientific work has received 146087 citations, and his h-index is 126. His profile in google scholar can be found here.
To receive the link to Professor Ferrari’s talk, please registered here.
To follow the ATHENA European University Colloquial Talks program, please check here
Special thanks to George Kakavelakis for introducing Professor Ferrari to the ATHENA Colloquial Talks.

Colloquial talk on how to teach Mathematics, by Prof Daniela Page from Uruguay

We are delighted in Athena European University to start tomorrow (20th of October 2022) in collaboration with the Innovative Teaching Education in Mathematics – iTEM, the Pythagoras Erasmus, and the MathDigger Erasmus  our colloquial talks on how to teach Mathematics.
Our 1st speaker comes from Uruguay, Professor Daniela Page, and she will discuss with us ‘Agreements and disagreements between mathematics teacher educators. A collaborative work around a calculus lesson.’
The talk will start at 15:00 CET using the zoom platform. To receive the zoom link, please register here

Professor Mario Agio in ATHENA Sci-Café Colloquial Talks

The Athena European University Colloquial Talks in Science continue this week with another distinguished invited speaker.
On the 21st of October at 10:00 CET, we will host Professor Mario Agio from the University of Siegen. The total of this week’s colloquial talk will be ‘Ultrafast quantum nano-optics.’
To receive the zoom link, please register here.
Join our Sci-Café family!