We are pleased to announce that the Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) will be welcoming the first intake of EMINENT students in the beginning of October. A total of 25 excellent students from 20 different countries and 4 different continents will be welcomed. In the first year, the students will study together, first in Greece at HMU and then in Germany at the University of Siegen. Afterwards, the group will be divided between the 5 partner universities (University of Siegen, HMU, NOVA Lisbon, University of Orleans, Vilnius Tech), depending on their chosen specialization path.
The first semester in Greece begins with two Welcome Days and ends with a Winter School, where students will be introduced to their specialization options.
For more information on the EMINENT programme, please visit the website: https.//eminent-master.eu.
After the planning and organization phase, we are excited to welcome the first class of EMINENT students and accompany them on their journey.