
ATHENA Delegation Participates in European Student Assembly 2024

ESA 0051

ATHENA European University recently participated in the prestigious European Student Assembly (ESA) 2024 at the Parliament in Strasbourg. The assembly served as a platform for students and representatives from various European university alliances to engage in constructive dialogue and address pressing issues facing the continent.

During the ESA 2024, the ATHENA delegation actively contributed to discussions, offering insights and perspectives on key topics ranging from education and innovation to sustainability and societal challenges. The assembly provided a unique opportunity for ATHENA to collaborate with peers from diverse backgrounds, fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding.

One of the highlights of the event was the formulation of policy recommendations by student participants. These recommendations, aimed at addressing contemporary challenges and shaping the future of higher education in Europe, reflect the collective efforts of all involved. ATHENA is committed to promoting these recommendations within its network and incorporating them into ongoing initiatives and discussions.

Furthermore, the vibrant atmosphere and engagement witnessed at the ESA were captured through a series of photographs, showcasing the dynamic exchange of ideas and the spirit of unity among participants. ATHENA acknowledges and respects the copyright of these images, ensuring proper attribution to the ESA logo and the respective photographer.

ATHENA extends its gratitude to the European Student Assembly Steering Committee for organising this impactful event and for the opportunity to participate. The alliance remains dedicated to its mission of promoting collaboration, innovation, and excellence in higher education, both at the European level and within its community.

ESA 0051

ATHENA European University recently participated in the prestigious European Student Assembly (ESA) 2024 at the Parliament in Strasbourg. The assembly served as a platform for students and representatives from various European university alliances to engage in constructive dialogue and address pressing issues facing the continent.

During the ESA 2024, the ATHENA delegation actively contributed to discussions, offering insights and perspectives on key topics ranging from education and innovation to sustainability and societal challenges. The assembly provided a unique opportunity for ATHENA to collaborate with peers from diverse backgrounds, fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding.

One of the highlights of the event was the formulation of policy recommendations by student participants. These recommendations, aimed at addressing contemporary challenges and shaping the future of higher education in Europe, reflect the collective efforts of all involved. ATHENA is committed to promoting these recommendations within its network and incorporating them into ongoing initiatives and discussions.

Furthermore, the vibrant atmosphere and engagement witnessed at the ESA were captured through a series of photographs, showcasing the dynamic exchange of ideas and the spirit of unity among participants. ATHENA acknowledges and respects the copyright of these images, ensuring proper attribution to the ESA logo and the respective photographer.

ATHENA extends its gratitude to the European Student Assembly Steering Committee for organising this impactful event and for the opportunity to participate. The alliance remains dedicated to its mission of promoting collaboration, innovation, and excellence in higher education, both at the European level and within its community.