ATHENA Shared Resources Directory (SRD) is a dynamic interactive registry of research capabilities, facilities and other collaboration-fostering information from the alliance members. SRD also contains the list of research priorities and the overview of ATHENA shared research infrastructures.
The web-access to the SRD offers an even wider reach of the ATHENA research competencies and opportunities for collaborative projects within partners and external stakeholders.
The selected SRD content available through ATHENA website are:
The Shared Resources Directory (SRD) can be accessed by authorised users at
Functional units/forms (figure above) of SRD are serving different audiences:
- Research priorities
- Research capabilities
- Research infrastructure (overview/data)
Shared Resources Directory: Technical and operational details

- F01: Partner R&D profile (10 entries, one for each member) (general overview of the institution and its research profile using the identified R&D fields and subfield using CERIF: common European Research Classification Scheme) Data provided by: alliance member leadership, usually the rector’s office. Audience: ATHENA.
- F02: R&D Topics (211 entries) (detailed description of outstanding and cooperation-ready research activities of each alliance member; fields (selection): title of the activity, resources, R&D fields (CERIF), references (projects, patents, publications, individual accomplishments, other), expertise, services/assets, societal challenges addressed, research infrastructure, FTE (full-time equivalent) researchers involved in activity, preferred types of cooperation and contact data) Data provided by: researchers with the support of ARIC. Audience: ATHENA, researchers, research support and TTO (Technology Transfer Office) of alliance members, public (selected attributes of the records via ATHENA website: Research Capacities – Data).
- F03: Joint R&D Projects (49 entries) (joint projects of the ATHENA partners are to be collected, a project is eligible for F03 when at least two ATHENA members are collaborating in the joint project and the duration of the joint project overlaps with the duration of the ATHENA project (2020 – 2023). Data provided by: ARIC in contact with researchers and corresponding offices. Audience: ATHENA, researchers, research support and TTO (Technology Transfer Office) of alliance members.
- F04: Research Priorities (7 priorities, defined by RBoard) (seven research priorities agreed by the ATHENA Research board are published here; the inputs are open for discussion and adjustments within the board) Data provided by: the ATHENA Research Board. Audience: ATHENA, public (via ATHENA website: Research Priorities)
- F05: Research Infrastructures (33 entries) (research infrastructures are facilities that provide resources and services for research communities to conduct research and foster innovation; research infrastructures can be used beyond research, e.g., for education or public services and they may be single-sited, distributed, or virtual; the possibility of open access to these infrastructures can be noted). Data provided by: ATHENA Research Board members and corresponding offices of alliance members. Audience: ATHENA, public (via ATHENA website: Research Infrastructures – Data)