
Scientific and Industrial Synergy: IoT, Robotics, and Security – A Resounding Success

Industry meeting - Orléans

The “Scientific and Industrial Synergy: IoT, Robotics, and Security” event, held at the University of Orléans on 4th and 5th July, 2024, showcased the confluence of innovation and industry. Organised by the Loire Valley Data Hub (European Digital Innovation Hub or the Centre-Val de Loire region) and the University of Orléans, the two-day conference brought together key stakeholders from academia, industry, and government to explore and enhance the digital and cybersecurity capabilities of modern enterprises.

Day 1: Enhancing Digital Skills and Securing Production Data

Morning Session: Enhancing Digital Skills Within Companies

The first day commenced with a welcome speech by representatives from the region Centre Val de Loire and the University of Orléans, setting the tone for a day focused on enhancing digital skills within companies.

Following the welcome address, presentations from EDIH, ATHENA, and PUI Loire Valley Innov outlined regional initiatives and the role of digital innovation hubs in driving technological progress. This led into a session on the evolution of skills in the context of digital transition, for which the Erasmus Mundus Master EMINENT is a great example. Our PRAXIS platform was also introduced to local stakeholders.

A roundtable discussion titled “Attracting Digital Talents” featured experiences shared by ATHENA members, followed by brief presentations from LVDH and EDIH Südwestfalen, emphasising their respective approaches to skill enhancement. Testimonials from companies provided practical insights into the evolution of digital skills in real-world settings, culminating in an engaging discussion session.

Networking Cocktail

A networking cocktail offered participants a chance to connect, exchange ideas, and lay the groundwork for future collaborations.

Afternoon Session: Securing Production Data

The afternoon focused on securing production data, beginning with a presentation on cybersecurity challenges by EDIH / CybeRéponse. This was followed by an experience sharing session on the digital aspects of Perform’Industrie by CETIM and a presentation on the CyberINSA Program.

A roundtable on IoT, Robotics, and Securing Production Data showcased the expertise within ATHENA, with additional presentations highlighting the cybersecurity offerings of LVDH and the CyberRange CEFIM. Company testimonials provided a practical perspective on data security challenges, leading into a robust discussion among participants.

Day 2: Environmental Data Management and Company Visit

Morning Session: Environmental Data Management

The second day opened with a warm welcome to participants, transitioning into sessions focused on environmental data management. Aquanova and Agreentech Valley (EDIH) presented the challenges in this domain, setting the stage for a roundtable discussion on available skills within ATHENA.

Presentations on ARD Junon’s digital twin, ARD Sycomore’s precision and connected forestry, the Climate Data Hub of the Region, and Lab’IA (EDIH) showcased cutting-edge technologies and initiatives. Testimonials from companies provided real-world examples of environmental data management, leading to a concluding discussion session.

Afternoon Session: Company Visit to Altyor

The event concluded with a company visit to Altyor, offering participants a firsthand look at industry applications of the discussed technologies and strategies.


The “Scientific and Industrial Synergy: IoT, Robotics, and Security” event successfully highlighted the importance of digital skill enhancement, cybersecurity, and environmental data management in modern industry. With insightful presentations, engaging discussions, and valuable networking opportunities, participants left equipped with new knowledge and connections to drive future innovations.

This event underscored ATHENA’s commitment to fostering a collaborative ecosystem where academia, industry, and local authorities work together to navigate the digital transformation landscape.

Industry meeting - Orléans

The “Scientific and Industrial Synergy: IoT, Robotics, and Security” event, held at the University of Orléans on 4th and 5th July, 2024, showcased the confluence of innovation and industry. Organised by the Loire Valley Data Hub (European Digital Innovation Hub or the Centre-Val de Loire region) and the University of Orléans, the two-day conference brought together key stakeholders from academia, industry, and government to explore and enhance the digital and cybersecurity capabilities of modern enterprises.

Day 1: Enhancing Digital Skills and Securing Production Data

Morning Session: Enhancing Digital Skills Within Companies

The first day commenced with a welcome speech by representatives from the region Centre Val de Loire and the University of Orléans, setting the tone for a day focused on enhancing digital skills within companies.

Following the welcome address, presentations from EDIH, ATHENA, and PUI Loire Valley Innov outlined regional initiatives and the role of digital innovation hubs in driving technological progress. This led into a session on the evolution of skills in the context of digital transition, for which the Erasmus Mundus Master EMINENT is a great example. Our PRAXIS platform was also introduced to local stakeholders.

A roundtable discussion titled “Attracting Digital Talents” featured experiences shared by ATHENA members, followed by brief presentations from LVDH and EDIH Südwestfalen, emphasising their respective approaches to skill enhancement. Testimonials from companies provided practical insights into the evolution of digital skills in real-world settings, culminating in an engaging discussion session.

Networking Cocktail

A networking cocktail offered participants a chance to connect, exchange ideas, and lay the groundwork for future collaborations.

Afternoon Session: Securing Production Data

The afternoon focused on securing production data, beginning with a presentation on cybersecurity challenges by EDIH / CybeRéponse. This was followed by an experience sharing session on the digital aspects of Perform’Industrie by CETIM and a presentation on the CyberINSA Program.

A roundtable on IoT, Robotics, and Securing Production Data showcased the expertise within ATHENA, with additional presentations highlighting the cybersecurity offerings of LVDH and the CyberRange CEFIM. Company testimonials provided a practical perspective on data security challenges, leading into a robust discussion among participants.

Day 2: Environmental Data Management and Company Visit

Morning Session: Environmental Data Management

The second day opened with a warm welcome to participants, transitioning into sessions focused on environmental data management. Aquanova and Agreentech Valley (EDIH) presented the challenges in this domain, setting the stage for a roundtable discussion on available skills within ATHENA.

Presentations on ARD Junon’s digital twin, ARD Sycomore’s precision and connected forestry, the Climate Data Hub of the Region, and Lab’IA (EDIH) showcased cutting-edge technologies and initiatives. Testimonials from companies provided real-world examples of environmental data management, leading to a concluding discussion session.

Afternoon Session: Company Visit to Altyor

The event concluded with a company visit to Altyor, offering participants a firsthand look at industry applications of the discussed technologies and strategies.


The “Scientific and Industrial Synergy: IoT, Robotics, and Security” event successfully highlighted the importance of digital skill enhancement, cybersecurity, and environmental data management in modern industry. With insightful presentations, engaging discussions, and valuable networking opportunities, participants left equipped with new knowledge and connections to drive future innovations.

This event underscored ATHENA’s commitment to fostering a collaborative ecosystem where academia, industry, and local authorities work together to navigate the digital transformation landscape.