
Round-Table discussion on the European University Initiative

Seminar Orleans

ATHENA European University invites you to the final event of our seminar series regarding “The European University initiative, from European policy to practice on the ground: solutions for smart integration”.


The seminar will take the format of a round table which will take place live from Orléans with a set of high-level panelists. The discussion will focus on the areas in which the European University strive to achieve “smart integration” stemming from the ATHENA project.


To join the seminar in English, please click on the TEAMS link below :


Find out more information on our panel on the ATHENA seminar series website.


This event figures in the programme of the French Presidency of the European Union and is supported of the French Embassies in Germany, Slovenia and Portugal.

Seminar Orleans

ATHENA European University invites you to the final event of our seminar series regarding “The European University initiative, from European policy to practice on the ground: solutions for smart integration”.


The seminar will take the format of a round table which will take place live from Orléans with a set of high-level panelists. The discussion will focus on the areas in which the European University strive to achieve “smart integration” stemming from the ATHENA project.


To join the seminar in English, please click on the TEAMS link below :


Find out more information on our panel on the ATHENA seminar series website.


This event figures in the programme of the French Presidency of the European Union and is supported of the French Embassies in Germany, Slovenia and Portugal.