Round table: Women in Leadership
According to the European Strategy for Universities, a persisten gender gap remains in some fields of study and research and in decision – making positions at universities. Gender balance clearly decreases with seniority among heads of higher education institutions where women hold slightly below of the 24% of these positions in EU27.
Persistent gender bias too often disrupts the learning process at the heart of becoming a leader. Organisations inadvertently undermine this process when they advise women to proactively seek leadership roles without also addressing policies and practices that communicate a mismatch between how women are seen and the qualities and experiences people tend to associate with leaders. Traditional high-potential, mentoring, and leadership education programs are necessary but insufficient.
The ATHENA European university is organising an online round table discussion with females in top scientific or leadership positions to celebrate women’s day on 8 March (at 16.00 CET). We would discuss women’s career challenges and possible strategies to overcome them.
- Time: 8 March 2023, 16.00 CET
- Location: online; please register here.
- Attendees: academics, students and market stakeholders that would like to provide the right mindset within an organization to accept the leader’s role in a woman.

Denise Wornig
Head of European and International Cooperation at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Denise Wornig is Head of European and International Cooperation at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, concentrating on EU policy analysis and implementation. She holds a Master of International Affairs in National Security from Texas A&M University, where she joined as a Fulbright scholar.

Maria Boura
Executive Advisor, Women Leadership Hub, Greece
Maria has more than 30 years of international experience in ICT. She has been at the forefront of the introduction of four generations of mobile technology in South East Europe. She is recognised by the market as an inspirational speaker and a thought leader with a growth mindset.
Originally from Greece, having lived and worked in 4 other countries, Maria started her career in Telecoms R&D, moved on to commercial positions and to key staff functions. Her other two great passions are the fight for getting more women in senior leadership positions and in STEM and supporting start-ups to grow (collaboration with Metavallon, Invent ICT, EGG, MITEF Greece).
As of February 2022, Maria is Executive Advisor on Leadership, Strategy and 5G matters. Since May 2016, she is also co-founder of the Sweden-based Women Leadership Hub, which aims to help grow the number of women senior leaders across the world. Prior to February 2022, she has worked in key leadership positions at Ericsson and has been an Ericsson spokesperson for a series of years.
Except of Ericsson, she has also worked at Intracom Telecom and at the Hellenic National Research Center for Physical Sciences “Demokritos”. Maria holds a BSc in Physics from the University of Patras and an MSc in Telecommunications from the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Elisa Gomez Lopez
Transport and Packaging Manager at Stellantis, Spain
Educational Background
- Graduate in Transalation and Interpreting. Universidade de Vigo. 1996.
- Master’s degree in Translation for International Communication. 2022.
- PhD in Translation and Interpreting. Currently ongoing.
Working Experience
- Transport and Packaging Manager at Stellantis. 1997. Ongoing.
Elisa has been working in the company for over 20 years, holding different positions. In the last 13 years, She has been working in logistics-related areas. She is Transport and Packaging Manager, coordinating all transport flows across countries to deliver all parts needed just in time to guarantee daily car production.
- Part-time teacher at Universidade de Vigo. 2006.
She collaborates with Universidade de Vigo as a part-time teacher, allowing her to share her daily work experience and academic knowledge with students.
- Translator and Interpreter. Freelance. 1996-2000.
Additional Information and skills
- Founding member of AGPTI (Galician Association for Translation and Interpreting)
- Teaching experience in different European Universities as part of the Erasmus program.
- Publications and lectures mostly focused on translation and interpreting in Public Services.
- Cross-functional working skills
- Result-orientated methods
- Team management and team building skills
- Organizational skills and spirit of initiative
- Leadership abilities and management of international meetings.
- Innovative teaching methods (job approach)

Dr. Aida Kamišalić Latifić
State Secretary, Ministry of Digital Transformation, Slovenia
Aida Kamišalić Latifić was born in 1980 in Zvornik, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She came to Maribor as a refugee at the beginning of the war in BiH. In 1994, she enrolled in the Classics and Humanities Department of the ‘Prva gimnazija Maribor’ grammar school. In 2003, she completed her studies at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. At the same faculty, she continued her postgraduate studies and career as an assistant professor in the subject area of Informatics. During her PhD studies, she was a visiting researcher for several years at the University of Rovira and Virgili in Tarragona, Spain. She obtained her PhD in 2014 in the field of Computer Science and Informatics.
She is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, and a member of Lab:UM, the Laboratory for Data Technologies and Blockchain.
She has almost twenty years of experience in research, teaching and project work. Her research interests include data technologies, big data, blockchain technology and medical informatics. She is one of the pioneers of the EduCTX initiative, which won the 2019 eAward (eNagrada) for the best project in computer science and informatics. She has co-authored several scientific papers published in reputed journals and is the co-owner of an invention in the field of blockchain technology. In January 2020, she was awarded the title Engineer of the Year 2019 in Slovenia. In September 2022, she was appointed State Secretary at the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Slovenia.

Dr. Dorota Kołodyńska
Vice-Rector, MCSU, Poland
Dorota Kołodyńska graduated in Chemistry, specialization Basic and Applied Chemistry in 1995, and since that time, she has been working at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin. In 2003, she presented the PhD thesis and obtained the degree of Habilitated Doctor of Chemical Sciences in the branch of chemistry, specialising in Inorganic Chemistry and has been employed at a position of Associate Professor of UMCS. In 2019, she obtained the title of professor. In 2012-2016 she was the Vice-Dean for International Cooperation at the Faculty of Chemistry, UMCS in Lublin. In 2016-2019 she was Vice-Dean for Education at the Faculty of Chemistry and then Director of the Institute of Chemistry. In the periods of 2012-2016 and 2016-2020 she has been a member of the UMCS Senate. Now she is the Vice-Rector of Students Affairs and Quality of Education and the Head of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Sciences.
Her research interests are focused on the problems connected with the ion exchange chromatography of d- and f-electron elements, methods of separation of inorganic compounds, removal of metal ions from wastewaters and sewages with particular consideration of biodegradable complexing agents, application of modified biochar, fly ash and hybrid materials and composites for environmental protection.
Her total academic achievements include: over 250 original papers (including 149 from the JCR database and 17 in journals not indexed, 94 full-text peer-reviewed reports in conference materials, 25 chapters in monographs, 6 scripts for students and more than 300 conference reports. According to the Web of Science, the Hirsch index is 27 and her papers have been cited almost 3300 times. She delivered 25 invited lectures in Inorganic Chemistry. She is a supervisor of 120 bachelor, master and engineering theses as well as 7 completed doctoral theses, and next 4 are in progress. She was the reviewer of 20 doctoral, habilitation theses and the procedure conferment of professorship. Since 2002 She has been a member of Polish Chemical Association and since 2016, of the Committee of Analytical Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences. She is also the member of scientific committees of international and national conferences, editorial boards, and universities teams and commissions.

Dr. Areti Mourka
Head of Unit, Technology Transfer Office at Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas | PRAXI Network
Areti Mourka holds a PhD degree from the Department of physics of the University of St. Andrews in the United Kingdom (2013) and received Bachelor’s degrees (2007) and M.Sc. (2009) with distinction from the Department of physics of the University of Crete in Greece.
Before staffing the Praxi Network office in Patras since January 2022, she was working as a postdoctoral researcher in the fields of 3D printing and nanotechnology, specializing in laser processing materials. She has significant experience in research, design, and management/development as well as teaching. She has worked in academic institutions: University of Crete, Hellenic Mediterranean University, University of St Andrews in Scotland, University of Bordeaux in France, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany and Texas A&M University in Qatar; as well as a research associate at Nanoscribe and Amplitude Systemes. She also has experience as an evaluator and Reviewer in the European Commission and serves as a guest editor in international scientific journals. Her research has been published in >15 publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings, corresponding to >750 citations (h-index is 10), and she has given over 30 speeches at international conferences.
Within the framework of her responsibilities as a technology transfer consultant, she has been actively involved in supporting small and medium-sized enterprises and research laboratories in technology transfer, innovation management and search for funding for research and development projects. One of her main activities is the provision of consulting services to researchers and small and medium-sized enterprises on issues covering the entire technology transfer chain, such as access to sources of public and private funding, intellectual property management, exploitation of research results, creation of spin-offs, recognition and exploitation of innovation and others.

Christine Roth
Chief Strategy Officer, Thenamaris Ships Management Inc
View Christine Roth LinkedIn profile.

Dr. Belén Rubio Armesto
Vice-Rector, UVIGO, Spain
Belén Rubio Armesto obtained her degree in Biology and PhD in Earth Sciences (University of Santiago de Compostela). She has been full Professor at the University of Vigo since 2009 and is currently the Vice-Rector for Research, transference, and innovation at the University of Vigo since June 2022. She was Vice-Rector for Research (June 2018- June 2022) and Dean of the Marine Science Faculty for five years (2013-2018).
Her most active research lines focus on the sedimentary geochemistry of coastal and deep-marine environments with emphasis on metal pollution, diagenetical changes and palaeoclimatic and paleoenvironmental evolution.
She is involved in pre- and postgraduate teaching: 6 PhD thesis (+1 in progress), 14 MsC thesis and postdoctoral supervision. She is also referee for Universitary Teaching Training grant applications and Member of Teaching Evaluation Commissions.
She has participated in more than 40 research projects, being the Principal Investigator of 9 of them. This includes several regarding coastal and marine environmental protection funded at regional, National and EU level. She has also participated in 10 research cruises.
She has published more than 100 papers (articles in journals, books, technical reports), of which about 50 are articles in international SCI journals and presented over 200 papers in conferences.
Total citations: 1835 (Scopus), h-index= 22. ORCID: 0000-0003-4712-1099. Complements of research and transference merits (CNEAI): 6, the last one in 2019.
She is referee for more than 30 SCI journal and for the Spanish Ministery of Science and Innovation Research Projects.

Dr. Aelita Skarzauskiene
Social Technologies, Vilnius Tech, Lithuania
View Aelita Skarzauskiene LinkedIn profile.

Dr. Maribel del Pozo Triviño
Vice-Rector, UVIGO, Spain
Maribel del Pozo Triviño has a BA in Spanish Philology from the National University of Ireland and a BA and PhD degrees in Translation & Interpretation from Universidade de Vigo.
She is currently the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for internationalisation at the University of Vigo, after previously being Assistant Dean in charge of International Relations and Spokesperson for Gender Equality at the Faculty of Philology & Translation.
Her teaching experience spans graduate and postgraduate programs that she has taught in Spain and abroad. She leads the Teaching Innovation Group called “LINKTERPRETING. Teaching from a Human Rights viewpoint” and is the coordinator of the website LINKTERPRETING, used worldwide for teaching the subject of Interpretation and self-learning. She has supervised several PhD theses and Master dissertations.
She has numerous research publications on legal translation, interpretation in the public service translation and interpreting, gender equality, and gender violence. She has coordinated several EU projects (SOS-VICS) and other cooperation for development projects (MELINCO) and is currently coordinating the European project JUSTISIGNS2, related to spoken and signed interpretation in gender-based violence contexts. She has participated in many international conferences, often as keynote speaker. She has ample experience in organising international academic events.
She is the representative of Universidade de Vigo at the Spanish Universities Association for Official Translation & Interpretation Degree Programs (AUnETI), and advises the Ministry of Justice on drafting laws that guarantee the linguistic rights of foreigners in Spain, including groups that are potentially vulnerable such as migrants, refugees, gender-based violence victims, and human sexual trafficking victims. Moreover, she collaborates actively with social organisations to improve communications with persons that face language and cultural barriers.

Dr. Agnieszka Zielinska
Researcher, Bielsko, Poland
Agnieszka Zielinska is Assistant Professor in Human Resources Management. Her research focus is on leadership, motivation, and effective communication in teams (PhD thesis: Leadership in virtual teams, 2021).
Participant of:
- High Impact Leadership Programme, the University of Cambridge, Institute for Sustainability Leadership (edition 2019)
- Oxford Women’s Leadership Development Programme – University of Oxford, Saïd Business School (edition 2020)
She is also a human Resources Business Partner in a high-technology company responsible for recruitment processes, talent acquisition and leaders’ development.