
Digital Interactive Mathematical Maps and Teaching Mathematics

Athena Talks Vineran-Brandl web
ATHENA European University welcomes this Thursday at 10.30 CET Dr. Mirela Vinerean (Karlstad University, Sweden) and Dr. Matthias Brandl (University of Passau, Germany) on its ATHENA Talks in Mathematics Teaching.
The title of the talk is: ‘Digital Interactive Mathematical Maps and Teaching Mathematics’ and will be delivered using the zoom platform.
The talk is appropriate for any STEAM teacher and students as well. More about the speakers and the talk can be found here:…/athenaunimathemath/our-speakers.

Please email to Prof. Costas Petridis in order to receive the zoom link.
Athena Talks Vineran-Brandl web
ATHENA European University welcomes this Thursday at 10.30 CET Dr. Mirela Vinerean (Karlstad University, Sweden) and Dr. Matthias Brandl (University of Passau, Germany) on its ATHENA Talks in Mathematics Teaching.
The title of the talk is: ‘Digital Interactive Mathematical Maps and Teaching Mathematics’ and will be delivered using the zoom platform.
The talk is appropriate for any STEAM teacher and students as well. More about the speakers and the talk can be found here:…/athenaunimathemath/our-speakers.

Please email to Prof. Costas Petridis in order to receive the zoom link.