
Call for participants : PhD-entrepreneurs training course

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As part of the integration initiatives for doctoral students and young PhD graduates carried out by HEI in the Centre Val de Loire region (France), this programme raises awareness of business creation and encourages students to reflect on the skills acquired during their thesis that can be transposed to entrepreneurship, and on the potential value of their research work via a participative, dynamic program based on exchange and open-mindedness.

Objectives :

  • To develop an entrepreneurial mindset: to get participants to work on “entrepreneurial” themes so that they can discover, in an investigative way, the problems associated with entrepreneurship, and the tools that can be used whatever their future professional context.
  • Identify business creation opportunities based on research into major social and environmental issues.
  • Raise awareness and reveal the skills developed and applied, in particular, the skills shared by researchers and entrepreneurs
  • Discover the entrepreneurial experiences of PhD graduates (feedback, testimonials from PhD creators and entrepreneurs, etc.).
  • Put participants in entrepreneurial scenarios and make them active players in their training (“lean start-up” tools and a challenge assessed by a jury).

Programme :

The 3-day webinar: from 3rd to 5th March 2025
Mon: 9.30 – 18.00
Tue: 9.00 – 18.00
Wed: 9.00 – 17.30

Over the course of 3 days, this workshop will offer :
– A brainstorming session to devise possible ways of exploiting their research experience to meet a clearly identified need.
– Time for exchanges between PhD students and PhD entrepreneurs who have set up a company.
– More operational input on entrepreneurial issues from specific experts (business strategy, business model canvas, financial tools, marketing, etc.), business model canvas, financial tools, marketing, communication, pitches, etc.).
– Time to analyse the skills implemented.

To develop an entrepreneurial mindset, participants are offered a “challenge” as part of the workshop. Inter-disciplinary teams of 4 to 5 participants will work on setting up a new business, based on the concepts covered during the seminar, submitting written elements inspired by a business plan and presenting their project orally to the jury.

Registration :

To register, please send an email to  (and cc containing : first and last name, your university, your lab, your motivations to participate to this workshop. The subject of your email should contain “ATHENA” in the name.

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